Sunday, January 18, 2009

To Blog....Or Not To Blog...

I just posted on Myspace (which is my usual blogging venue) that lately I haven't blogged much, which is kind of weird, now that I think about it. I mean, I understand why, but I just realized I kind of miss it.

Since my class had their 20th reunion, most of my friends from school have migrated to Facebook for the simple reason that there are more of our classmates there. For a period of time most of us (by "us" I mean dual Facebookers and Myspacers) checked both sites, and I resisted switching completely over to Facebook because I preferred Myspace (for several reasons....customization of your page, music on your profile, etc.).

Over the past couple of months, though, I've found myself on Myspace less and less, partly because it now seems like a ghost town to me....I see posts from three or four people that I definitely want to keep up-to-date on but nothing from any other friends on my list (because they've all defected! LOL!).

Which brings me to the blogging thing. I've always used my blog to talk about things on my mind, issues I want to clarify, or simply to rant. Big deal, right? But the people who read my blog are....well....used to me. I'm going to have to go back to my "don't read this if it's gonna piss you off" disclaimer if I start blogging on Facebook...haha!

Additionally, most people seem to use the "notes" section of Facebook to post things of a non-blog nature (events, news stories of interest, a video someone comes across...basically a way of reaching your entire friends list in one post).

It's also a different audience. Where on Myspace I have many friends (including some from high school), over there at Facebook the majority of my friends are high school friends. You don't just add someone on Facebook because they look interesting (which is how I ended up with about half of my friends on Myspace). It's a different dynamic. Seems silly, now that I've written it down, but it's true. It just doesn't seem to be the place for some of my previous posts (rants, musings about spirituality, notes on personal beliefs, and so on).

When I posted the above, a friend suggested using this site for blogging (thanks Tina!). And here I am. =)

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