Sunday, January 18, 2009

A Bit About Me....

First off, having just created this blog, I'm posting a few things that I'm importing from my old blog. Rest assured I won't be posting a bajillion entries a day! In any event, I'm trying to get some basic information here, which I suppose is rather humerous, considering I just created this and I daresay no one's reading...LOL.

I think it'll be difficult to categorize my blogs and I doubt it'll be easy to find things via the labels. My blogs tend to be an eclectic mix of musings, thoughts, and even the occasional rant, and aren't specific to just a few topics (like "remodeling", or "gardening", or "raising kids").

I'm a 38-year-old single mom who tends to sit down and write whenever a thought comes into my head. Anything thought-provoking sets me off. One day I may blog about a favorite author and the next I may write about life in general, and occasionally interspersed through here will weave blogs that outline things that I believe in.

The next post (and I daresay the last of the flurry of posts on this, the first day) is sort of the "War and Peace" of all blogs (LONG!). It outlines my current belief system and the journey I followed to reach that system for anyone who may be interested. Whenever I post a lot on a particular site, it's been helpful to me to post this journey. It helps anyone reading later blogs to understand how I came to this path.

1 comment:

  1. There will be days when you think "no one is reading what I have to say at the blog".

    Keep writing for yourself and express what you want - the people on your same brainwave will come and add their two cents.

    Every now and then, you'll also get people like me (uh-oh) offering their two cents. These are the people you need to avoid at all costs... wait a minute...

    Welcome to the blogosphere Nat! Peace

